• Metrica welcomes the recent value-improving initiatives announced by SK Chemicals (285130 KS Equity; 285130.KS)
  • However, these measures have had only a very limited impact on the share price discount, which still exceeds 80%.
  • Metrica calls for SK Chemicals to launch a formal strategic review within the next two months to consider further measures to address the discount, up to and including a sale or spin-off of SK Bioscience (302440 KS Equity; 302440.KS) shares.

Metrica Partners Pte. Ltd. (“Metrica”), a Singapore-based manager of various funds which hold shares in SK Chemicals, is today sending a letter to the CEO Mr. Jeon Kwang-Hyun and other board members.

The letter can be viewed at https://sk-shareholders.com/2021/12/14/second-letter-to-the-board/

It is a follow-up to Metrica’s first communication of 8 September, 2021.

Metrica continues to invite shareholders of SK Chemicals and other interested parties to subscribe to the distribution list at https://sk-shareholders.com/subscribe for further updates.

Shareholders may also contact Metrica directly at mail@sk-shareholders.com.